Tuesday, March 3

Office Organization That Works!

Have you been following my Office Organization series

Marcia has an e-book and MP3 kit called 7 Steps to Organise Your Office. The series of posts details the trials and tribulations I encountered while working through the steps.

You can read the series here:

Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week Six
Week Seven

Or purchase her kit here. It is fantastic!

This was the last week of the work and I took some time to redo my Franklin Planner pages that weren't working for me as well anymore. This is what I started with:

And after some begging, this is what my daughter Marissa made for me!

Aren't they fantastic! She did such a great job that I immediately had her reformat some other pages that I use but have always wished were a little different.

You can download these in WORD docs here:

Planner Pages

Monthly Financial Form

WHOO HOO! Loving them!


1 Comments Welcome!:

JOY said...

Love your planner pages!!!

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