Friday, October 17

Declutter Fridays -Oct 17

Marcia has me rethinking my computer storage capacity as well as my computer use time with this post. I admit that I thought about it for awhile before I did anything about it. But I recently put more time in my days by unsubscribing from a couple of "chatty" scrapbook yahoo groups that regularly sent 100s of emails per day... and subscribed to a few blogs instead.
Then I went one step further and weeded the blogs down to the Gotta Haves and the Maybe Haves. The Gotta Haves are auto-fed into my email; the Maybe Haves are in my favorites list to check when I have "spare" time.
One step beyond that, I cleaned out my favorites list on Friday for Decluttering and organized the blogs by category (scrap, organize, mom, other) and then by BLOG (love to read) BLOG-PROJECT (one specific post that I want to copy a craft or recipe from) or REFERENCE. This was a huge time saver. Now when I feel like looking at craft ideas, I can get to the blogs without weeding through all the other blogs first, and when I just want inspiration to stay on course with time management or something else organizational, I click click and there are those blogs, front and center!
I should have done this a long time ago! My goal for this week is to declutter "my documents" as much as possible.
Thanks again to Marcia for the post getting me started!

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