Wednesday, November 26

UPDATE -What have I Done?!?!?!

In email, from my best friend (2400 miles away) the other day.........

LMAO PIMP!! OMG Anne...we really are alike.... same shit happened to me TODAY!!!!!...except I kept her bangs! lmao I am not quite as bad as you...but pretty f***ing close.lmao we are BOTH bad mommas!

I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED TO BOTH OF US.... I was thinking that I could not let her outside till her hair grew back cuz the "neighbors" would laugh...and I was thinking how awful I made her there was no other Maltese in the WORLD like her....she looks nuts...
then I get your email..........

4 Comments Welcome!:

Controlling My Chaos said...

I still love her new do. But then I have bad fashion sense, so don't listen to me.

Forgetfulone said...

Poor puppy! She's naked! Funny that you are your BF both did that.

Sarah Elliott said...

Poor thing. She's probably hiding somewhere right now :-) I did that once to my himalayan cat. He had really bad knots, it worked out better for him in the end because the hair that grew back in was much nicer.

Nancee said...

I think your baby is so cute. I've got a dog. Poohbear. Who looks just like that when he gets his hair cut. I love the top of the head doo. lol lol So cute! For me I usually leave a puff ball at the end of his tail then have all the rest cut off. A very close shave. With Poohbear. A person blinks long enough and his hair has grown. lol

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